Where do you keep Jesus in a bubble the most - work, home, school or your neighborhood?
Why are we so prone to stay in our bubbles?
How do you feel when you reflect on personal sacrifice God made for you?
If it is true that we all need to be rescued, why don’t more believers walk in boldness among our drowning neighbors?
Read Matthew 28: 18-20, the text commonly referred to as “the Great Commission.”
What’s the main command of the Great Commission and what are the three supporting ideas inside of it?
Why does it take faith to journey down this path?
Is this the life intended for “normal” Christians, not just “professionals?”
Are you stuck somewhere along the path of the Great Commission?
Have you ever considered budgeting for your next Grace Bomb?
Why should Grace Bombs be dropped with “no strings attached?”
Do you always need a Grace Bomb card to drop a Grace Bomb? When are they helpful?
Is there a neighbor that you can bless together (with someone from your family or crew)?
Get new ideas, here from real people, and stay engaged with GRACE BOMB, as you light up your world with the Love of Jesus.